All Saints Christmas
Christmas 2022 at All Saints

27th November - 6:30pm, come and start off this festive season with our beautiful Advent Carol Service.
2nd December - 6:30pm. come and get into the festive spirit with the wonderful one man show " A Christmas Carol" starring Keith Bailey. Come and enjoy the retelling of this ageless Christmas classic, delicious pie and peas, beautiful Christmas carols sung by the Church Choir and there will a bar. Please buy your tickets in advance to assist with catering.

A Christmas Carol

4th December - 10:30am. All age Christingle Celebration - Save The Date...

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11th December - 10:30am Holy Communion.
11th December - 6:30pm Choral Evensong.

18th December - 10:30am Morning Worship
18th December - 6:30pm Carols by Candlelight.

24th December - 3pm Crib Service.
24th December - 11:30pm Midnight Mass

1st January 2022 - 10:30am All age Worship

8th January 2023 - 6:00pm Epiphany Carol Service